if you have a goal in mind and you wantto achieve that goal you have to bewilling to do whatever it takes and ifyou're not you're never going to reachthat goal or you put into anything themore you're gonna get out the longer youtrain the more you eat the more yousleep the better results you're gonnaget small daily improvements over timewill lead you to stunning results tinywinds are the way to greatness but whenyou find yourself get lazy when you findyourself getting unfocused it's becauseyou forgot what you doing it for youforgot what your motivation is youforgot what your reasoning is so I'mgonna encourage you if you ever findyourself distractedremember why you there in the firstplace when you find yourself gettingdistracted and running off of courseremember why you're why you're thereremember why you went there in the firstplace remember what's pushing youbecause I guarantee you the reason whyyou there there was something that gotyou to that point in the first placeyou have to grind for your future youhave to persist and push for your futuredo everything in your power so that youare eventually gonna hit your goals andbe great so you want to be successfulwell then you got to prove yourself yougot to push through the dirt successdoesn't happen by chance it happens bychallenge it happens by having a purposeand a clear plan that you can execute bytaking daily action and not wasting timeif you can truly accept this that it'sgonna be hard and if you don't even Wowyou don't want it toyou want this to be real you want thisto be powerful you want this to likeamount to something you want to work forityou want to go in there because you wantto show up you don't want to have thatfeeling of being like I don't deservethis because you can look back at thejourney you can look back at the sweatthe blood the tears the sacrificesthat's all you that's something that youcan do you want to be proud of that seebecause the decision without action isonly what a good intention a goodintentions are going to get you knowwhere dreams goals and dreams andvisions and all of these things beingnothing unless you take action towardsthem so what are you going to do todaythat's going to drive your business tothe next level what are you going to donext week that's going to drive yourbusiness to the next level so when Iprocrastinate even though even though Ithink that I'm giving myself a break I'mactually going to have to work twice ashard as I would have and I just got upand done it discipline is nothing morethan demonstrating your decision on adaily basisand so you got to look at the other sideof discipline when you have thediscipline to do the things that youreally don't want to do you then earnthe right the things that you reallywanttake a look at whatever you'veaccomplished so far and decide tocompete with yourself so that you can domore than you've done in your pastcompete with yourself challenge yourselfwill always be joyful in this process nosometimes it's gonna be downrightpainful growth is sometimes painful butwhen the growth occurs it is alwaysglorious and beautiful in length we mustall suffer one of two pains the pain ofdiscipline or the pain of regret I'masking you when you are turning homes tomake this choice please choose wiselyyour one decision away from living thebest life your one decision away fromliving the life of your dreams of lifethat you imagine and that one decisiontypically as you saying yes to yourdestiny yes to your purpose thechallenges in our life are not meant tostop us they're not meant to hold usback from achieving our dreams in factit's the opposite they're meant to helpus truly discover who we are and whatwe're made of because that my friends iswhat moves us from ordinary toextraordinary you gotta you gotta workyou gotta work Wow what happens if youwake up thirty days later in you herewhat happens if you wake up sixty dayslater and the change is coming you knowwhat's gonna happen you're gonna wake upsixty days later ninety days later andeverything is going to change but youand you're gonna get the same resultsyou got before it happen because you'rethe exact same person so work work whileyou wait which is I want you to seedifficult differently are you hearing meI need you to see difficult different...